Christmas is already coming and for many people to do the decoration of the house is a super important ritual that cannot miss. We separate a super cool and cheap idea that can do with materials that you have at home. Snowmen for your decor that made with sock and rice! They look beautiful, just use your creativity.Time seems to get faster and faster, does not it? I do not think I need to remind you that in December there is Christmas, an opportunity to gather family and friends to celebrate.Our culture cultivates the decorations very much at this time, and often enough money is spent to make the decoration that is used only once a year. Nothing against it, there are lots of cool things on the market. But what if you could also have cool things spending a lot less and still have fun doing? After all, we love doing it ourselves!Snowman along with Santa Claus, one of the most favorite and favorite symbols of winter and Christmas holidays. Snowmen are very fond of children and adults. They evoke in everyone childhood memories and merry associations with Christmas and New Year. Snowmen always decorate houses, and a snowman is still present on the territory of a country house where there are children. Snowmen can also paint inside the house. In our application, there are many ideas for decorating a room with snowmen. You can do them yourself with the help of our ideas. Download this application, and you will be surprised at how many different ideas there are for decorating with snowman.